Typographic Printing Program

We just finished two successful summer sessions of TPP and celebrate with the 14 happy participants holding their brand-new certificates of attendance.

Typographic Printing Program
Typographic Printing Program
Typographic Printing Program

Typographic Printing Program is an intense program where you’ll get instruction in type theory, type history, semantic typography, layout composition, and letterpress production. The focus lies on intensive. In 13 days, you’ll get to know many new things and enter a whole new universe of typography, leaving Switzerland with your own designed and letterpress-printed poster. That will be a lot of fun but also a lot of work.

To record and value all the sweat, participants get a certificate of attendance stating that they have completed the 120-hour Typographic Printing Program. The certificates are linen-bound and all letterpress hand-printed from hot-metal Ludlow slugs. They are elegant proofs of a rigorous and comprehensive time here and you can list it in your CV, show to your friends and of course, your grandparents—they will be so proud of you.

One of those could be yours. Apply now for one of the 2024 sessions. (Not just for the certificate, but because of the experience you’ll gather while working on getting it.)