Do you know the feeling when you made the decision to redesign a website and you just can’t wait until it is finally live! This is it. Here we are. I can’t wait for everyone to see it. Yes.

The new website contains a lot of informations on the sessions in Switzerland and in Pasadena for you to get everything you need to know to participate. Check it out and apply! It is worth it.

Besides all the information on the Sessions, on the new site we also introduced this blog. Yes, yes, I know… Blog posts are so 1999! Haha. But in the discussions about this new site we decided that we need a tool to give a bit of insight to the organisation, backgrounds and interviews with TPP alumni—and just simply a bit more context. So it is not only the voice of Dafi, but also different points of view.

Dafi Kühne, portrait by Hanna Jaray, 2020
Dafi Kühne, portrait by Hanna Jaray, 2020

I would like to thank my employee and program assistant Sabrina Öttl for the great work she has done with the complete redesign and coordination of the website, as well as Mathias Gmeiner for the great programming! 🖤