Since 2016 Dafi Kühne is hosting Typographic Printing Program. Over the past years, more than 100 people have participated in one of the 13 sessions. To give you some more insights into the program, I asked former participants what they liked best when reflecting their time in Näfels.

Sketch by Paolo Faricelli
Sketch by Paolo Faricelli
Sketches by Paolo Faricelli
Sketches by Paolo Faricelli
Production by Wipawe Sirikolkarn
Production by Wipawe Sirikolkarn
At the archive of Museum für Gestaltung
At the archive of Museum für Gestaltung
Sketches by Maxim Staehelin
Sketches by Maxim Staehelin
Production by Wipawe Sirikolkarn
Production by Wipawe Sirikolkarn
Sketch by Paolo Faricelli
Sketch by Paolo Faricelli

Wipawe Sirikolkarn, TPP 2022, Session IV

«There were obviously many favorite moments during TPP (lectures, guest lectures, and story times are up there for me). However if I really have to pick one, I think my favorite has to be the last night that we all went full production. Without compromising on any design details, all of us stayed up almost all night to produce our designs by hand. It made me appreciate every little detail we spent the past two weeks honing in on. We all helped each other and it was such a beautiful moment to see everyone finished their poster, one by one.»

Paolo Faricelli, TPP 2019, Session I

«Rethinking about the days spent at TPP, my favorite moment was when, after explorations and sketches, the concept and first design of the poster were ready. The feeling of discussing the design choices, and the poster that was starting to take form gave me the boost for the next steps of the process.»

Sarah Elliott, TPP 2020, Session II

«There are so many highlights from participating in the Typographic Printing Program 2020 that it’s difficult to choose. Having the opportunity to work alongside Dafi Kühne and his «Cult of Type», getting to view his exquisite typographical collection of posters and the knowledge I gained throughout my two weeks in Näfels, is something that I will treasure forever. One of my favourite trips from the program was when our #quarentype group went on a private, guided tour with Bettina Richter around the Museum für Gestaltung in Zürich. The vast poster collection in the archives (some over 100 years old) was unbelievable! We got to see the work of well known poster designers which aren’t always available for public viewing. This included Josef Müller-Brockmann’s original sketches! It was amazing to see the quality of the craftsmanship that Brockmann put into his initial poster sketches alone! A once in a lifetime opportunity that I am forever grateful for!»

Maxim Staehelin, TPP 2019, Session II

«I enjoyed the infinitely fast typo sketches very much. It was less about producing the big hit right away than about looking at the topic from a different perspective again and again through the clear typographic specifications. This resulted in a large number of different designs in a relatively short time.»

Images by Wipawe Sirikolkarn, Paolo Faricelli, Sarah Elliott, Maxim Staehelin and Sabrina Öttl.