Over the past years, more than 100 people have participated in one of Dafi’s TPP sessions. To give you some more insights into the program, I asked former participants what they liked best when reflecting their time in Näfels.

Typographic Printing Program
Arriving at Näfels
Arriving at Näfels
Bob at work
Bob at work
Typographic Printing Program
Typographic Printing Program

Bob Kelemen, TPP 2022, Session IV

«My favorite memory was stepping off the train from Zurich and being surrounded by the beautiful mountain vista. To paraphrase a line from the very American movie ‹field of dreams›: ‹…is this letterpress heaven? No, it’s Näfels!› The unique location of Dafi’s studio was remote enough to clearly focus us on the tasks at hand—but also super warm and welcoming.

Many participants comment on the value sketching and preparation involved in the workshop and I echo that sentiment. I haven’t sketched so much and explored so many iterations before approaching a final design since my days as an undergraduate in b.c. (before computer) times. This return to basics has really impacted my teaching, as I share my thick stack of hand-rendered sketches with students to demonstrate the virtues of methodical process. Dafi’s fastidious approach to studio organization was inspirational, as was his attention to detail. None of this ‹Hey, it’s letterpress, accidents happen› stuff. Your final prints looked just as you planned them under Dafi’s watchful eye.

I must admit I was a little worried that as a designer with years of teaching and professional experience with my own letterpress studio that I might feel out of place in a workshop that included participants at all different ages and skill levels. Nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone worked together, critiqued work and helped print our final posters as if we had known each other for years. We also hung out, ate together and socialized.

I highly, highly recommend this workshop to anyone who loves design, process and letterpress printing. If you can, be sure to leave some time before or after the workshop for a few days in Zurich to explore the museums, cultural sites and food!»