Over the past 6 years of running TPP here in Näfels, we have had over 100 participants from a total of 22 different countries. Honestly, it makes me really happy and I feel humbled to say/write this! And these numbers also includes two years of the pandemic, that made the organisation and traveling especially difficult. So it is worth looking at the field of participants a bit more closely.

Typographic Printing Program


Since 2016, we have had participants from Australia [6], Austria [3], Canada [2], China [1], Czech Republic [1], Egypt [1], Finland [1], France [1], Germany [4], India [2], Italy [3], Lebanon [1], Malaysia [1], the Netherlands [3], Qatar [2], Saudi Arabia [3], Spain [2], Sweden [1], Switzerland [20], UK [2], Ukraine [3], and the USA [38].


One of the goals I had setting up this program was to create a schedule that can accommodate various levels of background. I strongly believe in the quality of mediating complex content and breaking it down to simple tasks and lessons. This allows for any entrance level. Depending on the level of experience, designers translate the exercises accordingly and grow. This general setting opens up for a very diverse field of participants, with different origins, backgrounds ages and different professional motivations to participate in the program. Of course we have had graphic designers, type designers, letterpress printers, industrial designers, architects but also movie makers, programmers and many other kinds of design-related backgrounds. But besides that we have had great participants with many other professional backgrounds with a strong interest in typography, graphic design and printing. In this program it is never about what you already know, but about what you are willing to learn.

We have had a broad range of ages too. From the very young student straight out of high school wanting to apply to art schools, students (BA and MA), professional designers, professional printers, to very experienced university teachers and graphic designers. And even up to retired professionals wanting to learn and experience something new. Anything is possible and for me this adds quality to the group discussions, the diversity of the work and the overall value the program.


Anybody, really is welcome—the more diverse the better. All we need is a motivated field of participants who are in love with typography and want to study intensely. An open mindset, respectful and inclusive behaviour and the will to learn new approaches and processes is expected from everybody.